Or how to stay fit in the summer…

You might have already gone on your first holiday…

Or you’re just about to go…

But one thing is for sure..

Wherever you’ll go you’ll try to enjoy yourself as much as you can..

So here’s a guide on how to enjoy yourself and still stay fit during the summer…

Do Not Train On Your Holidays!

Simply don’t..

It’s your downtime…

Embrace the value of decompression…

Have some nice food, booze and fun…

In the long term, it’s a lot better for you than pushing it…

Because at the end of the day..

You train to improve the value of your life..

Not to restrict yourself from enjoying it..

Maximise The Time Outside Your Holidays

Stay consistent with your training and food on your normal days..

Summer might mean your evenings are more social…

But make sure you still keep training consistently…

It is incredibly hard to build momentum from scratch…

Not physically…

But psychologically…

Because you can always say…

“Well, I haven’t trained the whole summer, it will wait another week or two.”

And all of a sudden it’s January and you’ve gone backwards again…

Leave Ice Cream, Chocolate And Soft Drinks Behind

You really don’t need them if you eat properly…

If you eat normal portions of nutrient dense food during the day…

You shouldn’t get cravings for these things…

If you buy them for your kids..

Buy just enough…

Because whatever they don’t finish…

You’re the first candidate to finishing it…

Drink Like There Is Tomorrow

If you drink more alcohol during the summer…

Make sure it doesn’t lead to eating rubbish food while you’re hungover…

Make sure you hydrate properly…

Make sure it doesn’t lead to you skipping your workouts…

Drinking itself is only 50% of the problem for your shape and physical fitness…

If you can take quick care of the aftermath…

If you hydrate, stay focused, stay motivated, adjust your food…

It will help you stay in shape while having fun boozing…

Keep Measuring Yourself

It’s easy to slip off the track…

If you have no idea where you’re going…

How far you’ve gone…

How far off you are…

And if you don’t pay attention…

So even if you don’t set out to make loads of progress during the summer…

Measure your bodyweight…

And measure your waist…

They will keep you in check…

Have a great week and great summer ahead!