If you’ve followed any of my previous articles you might have noticed I’ve gone a bit quiet over the last few months…

The gym that’s been a home to Sets In The City personal training got flooded and shut down temporarily over night…

And all the activity to reach as many people as possible with the positive message of improving health, fitness and shape while working in The City was put on hold while the gym was being refurbished…

There was nowhere to train, clients were waiting, and a tonne of issues to deal with…

But while this was a bit of a nightmare…

As the days were passing we’ve gradually managed to find temporary solutions with clients…

Keep as many of them as possible working hard on their goals in other gyms…

And keep this spirit high while the gym was closed for 11 weeks…

Massive Thank You To My Clients

I remember a few people telling me how to manage my business effectively…

“Don’t overrun your sessions when you’re paid for an hour.”

“Always charge for short notice cancellations.”

“Dictate rather then provide options for clients PT sessions slots.”

And a few more lines that I’ve consistently ignored that now perhaps saved Sets In The City…

Because while my clients could have walked away, they didn’t..

A massive thank you goes to all my clients that understood the situation and decided to stick through it and keep training while it all looked helpless…

Thank you for showing your understanding and thank you for sticking to your training while it wasn’t ideal by any measure…

Visiting a different gym in a different location with limited equipment…

Value Oriented Brand

The way I like to look at this flooding and immediate gym closure event is a test…

We’ve gone through long 11 weeks without having access to our home gym…

And yet Sets In The City is back without losing a single client…

And ready to reach out to more and more people both offline and online…

Doing the very same thing that saved the day in this case…

Providing great value whether it’s in the actual PT Sessions, Online Personal Training, occasionally promoted Complimentary Body Transformation Sessions or the content published online…

Moving Forward

What I’d like to do in 2018 is to keep reminding you through continuing with these articles…

That you can get and be in a great shape despite having a very demanding career…

There are effective ways how to achieve this…

And that being fit and in shape in your situation is not a luxury but a necessity as your physical health, shape and well being has massive impact on all other areas of your life.

And how you see yourself and feel about yourself is the most powerful factor in experiencing success in our life, 2nd is how others perceive you.

Being in shape is the ultimate advantage.

Hope you liked the article and hope to see you soon!
