Let’s say you’ve been building your career in The City for a few years now…

It’s not easy, you’ve got to commit to what you’re doing…

Some days might be longer, starting early, finishing late, commuting in and out of London…

Then you’ve got your social life and other commitments either to your family or friends…

And then if there’s anything left, that’s your time to use and you can do whatever you dare to do with it…

At least that’s how it looks like for the most..

Starting The Year

Now in January and February you might be inclined to use this time and focus more on your physical shape and fitness…

And why not?

There’s barely any sunshine around, not too many events, too cold and dark to spend much time out….

Plus it’s just easy to join the gym and do some work on your body while we’re waiting for the more interesting months of the year to come…

So you might join for few weeks to perhaps lose a kilo or two that you might have gained over the festive period..

And then kind of slip off…

It’s not that you don’t want to keep going…

But the work is just so busy, you need to travel, got some other plans…

And why bother anyway?

I’ve already lost the extra bit I needed and it’s not like I’d get a 6 pack or anything anyway…

It’s Not About The 6 Pack

You don’t need to get completely shredded and get iron man ready in 2-3 months to make it worth your time…

Yes you can aim for it, but it’s also important to realise this is not an all or nothing game…

It’s not that if you don’t see your training leading to that extreme physique in a matter of a few weeks it’s not worth it…

It’s about the constant progress you’re making…

And the effect it’s got on your physical shape and fitness as well as other areas of your life…

That’s what should be keeping you working on your body, training consistently and eating well…

Improved physical shape and fitness lead to a better relationship with yourself…

A better relationship with yourself leads to better relationships with people around you…

Having better relationships with people around you opens up your network for opportunities of all kinds…

To experience a better and richer life in so many ways..

Physical shape and fitness have a very important position in our life…

Treat it like that all the time, not only for the first 6 weeks of the year…

Thank you for reading my article, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and really appreciate it.

Please feel free to share and I’ll see you around!
