I was watching the first episode of Series 2 Billions last night…

And about 10 minutes in, a very tense high stakes situation comes up.

Potentially deciding the destiny of one of the main characters..

The stakes are high and both his reputation and career are on the line.

So it’s either he wins or loses…


And for it not to be that easy..

It’s also either him or the other main character..

So knowing he’s pushed to the corner he says:

“A Man Of Unlimited Resources vs One Who’s Got Nothing To Lose”

Now What Has This Got To Do With Fitness?

Quite a lot.

As it offers us a lesson about motivation..

If your life depended on you getting in shape …

If it was either you get in shape or you lose it all…

If you had a gun put to your head and a bomb ticking somewhere putting your life to an end..

Would you be able to get in shape?

If you knew your life would be terribly affected if you didn’t manage to do it..

Would you be able to do it?

Would you find all the resources you need and would you put your best foot forward and stayed focused until you got where you need to be?

I’m Pretty Sure You Would

Now the reason you’re out of shape is not because you’re missing resources.

It’s not because you don’t have time, you don’t know what to eat, you’re constantly travelling, you’re tired or you drink too much or anything else.

The reason you’re out of shape is because you’re comfortable.

You don’t feel much pain about it and if you do, it’s only once in a while …

When you take your shirt off, look into the mirror and don’t like what you see…

When you shave in the morning, look at yourself and feel and look older than you are…

When you get out of breath in an attempt to catch a train…

And loads of other little things…

And when these things happen, you comfortably ignore them.

And Silently Choose To Wait For Stronger Signals

Most of the time the stronger force in peoples moments of change is pain.

Most people would rather wait to feel loads of pain in order to make a decision to go through the change they know they need to go through.

They won’t make their move towards pleasure.

They’ll make their move to escape pain…

So when their best friend dies of a heart attack..

Their marriage collapses…

Their kids constantly point at their beer gut..

Their lower back pain doesn’t allow them to do anything…

When they’re feeling so much pain related to where they are with their body…

Then most people make a change..

I hope you’re not waiting for any disasters in your life…

It would make me quite sad to know I could have had an impact on you but it wasn’t enough..

Don’t wait around looking for pain to push you out of your comfort zone.

Make your move and make it now.