Energy flows where attention goes..

And give the time constraints, we’ve only got a finite amount of time each day to pay attention to the things we want..

But if you’d regularly pay a bit of attention to your training, fitness and health you could have been in a phenomenal shape..

So how much time does this really require?

Doing The Numbers

Without knowing the numbers, it’s really easy to fall for the illusion…

Finite time, professional and personal commitments, priorities holding you back..

Once you add everything up, there’s no time to train…

But is that so?

Have you ever taken the time to break it down a bit?..

Let’s start by assuming that regardless of where your office is in the City, there is a gym you could go to within a 10-minute walking distance…

That’s about 10 minutes in, 10 minutes out, 20 minutes altogether..

If you’re going before or after work, this will likely take you even less time because you’re going directly from or to the train station before or after…

Next we need to account for some time in the changing room getting changed and having a shower…

If you’re really as busy as you think, there’s no reason why this would take more than 15 minutes altogether…

A great effective workout takes anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes depending on your workout programme and how it fits your goals….

So altogether this equals around 90 minutes of your time per workout so far…

3 workouts a week equals 4.5 hours…

What About The Other Things?

When you’re eating out you’re not spending more time making the right food choices as you would be by making the wrong food choices…

And if you’re eating at home, the same applies…

If you do some meal planning and do all your food shopping online, you might even save yourself some time you would have otherwise spent walking to the supermarket..

And because of better physical shape, your mental performance might increase as well, helping you cut time on certain work tasks and so creating a bit more time for you that way…

So How Much Time Are We Really Talking About?

If we aim for 3 workouts a week and start making the right food choices…

We’re really talking about only 4.5 hours a week…

Which out of 168 hours in the week represents less than 3% of your time…

And regardless how busy you might be both professionally and personally, I know you’ll be able to find that time to focus on this…

How do I know?

Because my clients have been in a similar situation..

And they always manage to make time for this…

Not by saying they don’t have time…

But by understanding how being in shape positively impacts their life…

Thank you for reading my article..

I really hope you’ve enjoyed it, please feel free to share..
