Ok, let’s assume you’re someone driven to succeed in your career…

And you happen to work in The City.

And over years, you’ve somehow got yourself out of shape..

Or perhaps never been in shape…

But for one reason or another you’re now starting to realise that it’s costing you to not be in shape..

It’s taxing your self-esteem, your fatherhood, your marriage, business or something else..

And now it’s finally the right time to do something about it..

So how do you pack it into your busy agenda?

The Magic Of Time

Knowing you’re someone who’s quite advanced in life it would probably be a waste of time to talk about time management..

You work in The City so you’ve got it covered…

But if for some reason you’re looking for something great to help you feel less overwhelmed with your life and your workload..

I strongly recommend reading Getting Things Done by David Allen..

Words can’t express how big of a life changing book that is.

Time being the most valuable commodity on this planet, this book will not only help you make sure you create the time needed to work on your body

But it will also help you avoid the bitter realisation of…

Going on for another 5 years promising yourself to finally make the change

And failing to do so…

Just to find yourself 5 years older and your body even more broken than it is now.

The Only Way To Sustain The Change

Is therefore to book yourself a slot in your calendar for every gym session you must do..

And not compromise..

This slot must simply become non-negotiable..

Consider it a business meeting, just with yourself..

It might look hard initially but it’s not and once you get used to it you’ll understand how important it is…

Find the right time windows for yourself and consistently use them to invest in yourself.

And Lastly Understand The Big Pizza

If you’re at the point where you’re frustrated with your body…

Not tapping into your energy the way you want…

Not confident about the way you look…

And not fit enough to do the things you want in any capacity you want …

And you don’t do anything about it…

Don’t get any results…

Where are you going to end up if you don’t manage to create time to attack this successfully?

That’s some food for thought.

Hope you’ve enjoyed my article. As always, I’m very grateful for anyone sharing this as getting in shape in The City is not easy and requires some extraordinary mindset and approach that I’ve successfully been able to replicate with my clients on a consistent basis. Always love to share.
