Goals And Motivation

"Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions." David Hume

This first part of the questionnaire is about finding what exactly you're after so we can not only send you a tailor made progreamme but to measure your progress along the way and get you your results as perfectly as you define them. We also find what truly motivates you so we can coach you along the way to make sure you're accountable to your goals, your body and your vision about yourself.

Please Fill In The Boxes Below

Your Full Name
Height (cm)
Bodyweight (kg)
What's your number 1 goal in the gym in the next 90 days?*
What specifically are you trying to achieve? Be as specific as possible and provide numbers where applicable.*
What time frame are you giving yourself to achieve it?*
What's your goal number 2 in the gym?*
What specifically are you trying to achieve? Be as specific as possible and provide numbers where applicable.*
What time frame are you giving yourself to achieve this?*
What's your goal number 3 in the gym?*
What specifically are you trying to achieve? Be as specific as possible and provide numbers where applicable.*
What time frame are you giving yourself to achieve this?*
What are the reasons you want to achieve these goals? Name 5 main reasons.*
What's your biggest driver and why?*
What are you most passionate about?*
How can your passion benefit from you having an optimal body? Give 3 examples.*
How has your progress been over the last 2 months? Describe and provide some numbers.*