An Inspirational Story

Now, what the heck does this mean you might ask… And I’ve got a really strong point so I’ll do
Energy flows where attention goes.. And give the time constraints, we’ve only got a finite amount of time each day
Let’s say you’ve been building your career in The City for a few years now… It’s not easy, you’ve got
Is how we see ourselves.. Being in shape is the ultimate advantage… Because it affects our health, strength, confidence, hormones,
If you’ve followed any of my previous articles you might have noticed I’ve gone a bit quiet over the last
How do you de-stress? You’ve got a busy career in The City… And you’re ambitious outside of your career as
So what do you do if you are so squeezed with time… That cooking healthy sounds like a luxury?.. What
So first of all let’s make this very simple… As much as it might look very complicated… Getting in shape
For most people it’s quite hard to imagine getting in shape when they’re ridiculously busy... And to think they could
We’re just about to take a little break on the weekend… And for most that’s the end of summer holiday